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Public transportation is a great complement to our road network.

AAA’s advocacy efforts are focused on supporting full funding for the maintenance and enhancement of the nation’s transportation infrastructure including, but not limited to, public transportation. The fact remains that travel by automobile meets the transportation needs of most Americans, most of the time.

No Hidden Agenda

Maintaining dedicated revenues in the Highway Trust Fund is paramount to ensuring the highest level of safety and the greatest degree of mobility, safety and efficiency for all travelers, regardless of their transportation preferences or needs. AAA believes an efficient transportation system must provide users with choices, and AAA supports employing the full range of options.

As part of our advocacy efforts, AAA participates in a variety of efforts and organizations. We do not always agree with all participants on every issue. However, we do believe there is more to be gained from working cooperatively with groups with differing opinions than by fostering divisiveness.

Highway Improvements

Consider our roots as the “American Automobile Association.” The vast majority of AAA’s advocacy work in support of transportation funding has been and will continue to focus on safety issues affecting the motoring public. AAA works for balanced public policy that supports a safe, efficient and flexible transportation network while encouraging solutions that also benefit the environment. When the two conflict, AAA works for solutions that advance both.

Congestion and Urban Sprawl

Relieving traffic congestion can improve air quality. This sometimes includes expanding road capacity to address specific traffic bottlenecks, because emission rates from cars are higher in stop-and-go traffic than in free-flow traffic conditions.

Some groups are opposed to any road-capacity expansion and other measures that would facilitate vehicle use, even when expanding capacity will benefit the environment. Such positions do little to advance solutions acceptable to the people who must live with them.

AAA is strongly committed to good planning that balances the public’s strong desire for clean air with their equally strong desire for mobility choices that serve their needs.

No Hidden Agenda

The record is clear: Public lobbying records and thorough coverage of AAA’s advocacy work in member publications and the national media testify to AAA’s focus on promoting safety and mobility. We do not believe public policy must choose between building roads or encouraging other modes of transportation.

The reality is, America needs both.

AAA supports flexible transportation solutions that make sense, not mandates that arbitrarily make transportation choices for communities . and the people living in them.

As part of our advocacy efforts, AAA participates in a variety of efforts and organizations. We do not always agree with all participants on every issue. However, we do believe there is more to be gained from working cooperatively with groups with differing opinions than by fostering divisiveness.

Safety Improvements

As we did during consideration of the Transportation Efficiency Act – TEA 21 – in 1997 and 1998, AAA will actively support legislation that guarantees federal gas tax dollars are invested in the nation’s surface transportation infrastructure to promote mobility and ensure safety.

This does not include simply expanding road capacity.

AAA also will advocate for multimodal transportation choices that meet the needs of local communities.
AAA is recognized nationwide as an advocate for improving safety on our highways. From advocating better child passenger safety laws to working for graduated licensing laws for teens learning to drive, AAA’s goal is to protect the safety and mobility of our 50 million members. While these activities may not be directed at improving the environment, they are nonetheless the cornerstone of our public service activities. AAA gauges its success in advocacy by its successes in promoting safe travel.

This includes improving safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. AAA has many educational programs and a variety of educational materials on this subject. For more information, please contact your local AAA club.